Food Intake![]() When determining proper food intake, there are many factors to take into consideration. Weight, age, sex and activity level all play a role in determining one's daily caloric needs. Males naturally have a higher level of caloric intake than women. Moderately active and active individuals also have higher caloric needs, due to their increased expenditure of energy. If a individual's personal fitness goal is to lose weight, then they simply must burn more calories than they consume on a daily basis. When a individual's energy expenditure and the their energy consumed are equivalent, their body weight will remain the same. When a individual's caloric expenditure is less than their caloric intake, they will gain weight. On the other hand, when a individual's caloric expenditure is greater than their caloric intake, they will loss weight. This being said, it really is that simple! Decreasing Caloric IntakeLosing weight is really quite simple. For example, if an individual's personal fitness goal is to lose weight, they simple have to ensure that the number of calories they consume is less than the number of calories their body burns on a daily basis (i.e. your Basal Metabolic Rate). It really is that simple. There are two primary ways in which an individual can decrease their daily caloric intake to a level below that of their basal metabolic rate (BMR).
![]() While it should be obvious that the second approach is preferred, accomplishing this task may be easier said than done, as many individuals will fail to implement the dietary changes that are necessary to be successful. The reason for this failure is that this approach typically requires the individual to make a lifestyle change in the foods they consume. This means eliminating or at least reducing the consumption of foods that are highly processed, high in fat content, and low in nutritional value, and replacing them with foods that are unprocessed, balanced in nutritional content, and packed with vitamins, minerals and lean proteins. Once you determine that you are going to lose weight through the food intake approach, it is highly recommended that you consider becoming a member of a weight loss program. While there are countless weight loss programs available, only some have been clinically proven to be safe and effective. There are two basic types of food intake weight loss programs available to the individual looking to lose weight. The first type of weight loss program is one in which the weight loss company prepares all the meals and snacks. The individual becomes a member of the weight loss program and the company sends them pre-packaged, pre-cooked meals that simply need to be heated and eaten. The second type of weight loss program centers around weight loss companies that provide their members with food intake recommendations, recipes and guidelines. This type of program is typically inexpensive in comparison to the first type, since no actual food is provided. Both types of weight loss companies also provide support, weight loss calculators, counseling, tips, and approaches to successful, effective and safe weight loss. Weight Loss Companies that Provide the Member with Dietary Meals![]() There are numerous weight loss companies that provide dietary meals to their members. These types of weight loss companies typically employ medical doctors, dietitians and nutritionists. Hence, the dietary meals are nutritionally balanced, calorie-conscious and healthy to consume. In fact, most of the weight loss meal plans are doctor and/or dietitian approved and supported by the medical community. Most of these weight loss companies provide a variety of meal plan options to their members. The meals plans can vary from typical meals to ones that are directly suited to individuals with diabetes (i.e. low glycemic index meals). Each of the meal plans include 3 primary meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and 1 or 2 snacks/desserts. While this type of weight loss dietary program may be more expensive, it is important to remember that all of the meals are provided to the member. This reduces the member's grocery cost and saves them the time that would otherwise be spent preparing meals. Weight loss companies that provide members with their dietary meals also provide many of the following features:
This approach to weight loss is effective, safe, healthy and quite popular. There are millions of success stories, and the principles associated with this approach to weight loss are thoroughly documented and supported by the medical industry. Typical weight loss companies that provide their members with dietary meals include Medifast, Nutrisystem, Bistro MD, and Jenny Craig.
Weight Loss Companies in which the Member Prepares the Dietary MealsWeight loss companies in which the member prepares their own food are ideal for individuals that enjoy cooking, have the time to cook, and enjoy a wider variety of food selection. Companies of this type typically provide their members with a set of food choice guidelines and hundreds to thousands of recipes. The recipes provided by these types of weight loss companies are nutritious, healthy and calorie-conscious. Recipes are provided for breakfast, lunch, dinner, appetizers, snacks and desserts. Most of the dietary plans provided by companies of this nature are doctor-approved and supported by the medical industry as well. What supplies do you need to clean the kitchen, floor, bathroom or bedroom? Before you start cleaning your home, it's best to make sure you're prepared. Consult our ultimate list of house cleaning supplies and equipment before you embark on your house cleaning mission. It is important to remember that it is the responsibility of the member to prepare the meals that are recommended by the weight loss company and, for the most part, to stick to the principles and recipes provided. ![]() While there will be a certain level of flexibility, the member will generally need to follow the dietary program provided by the company. This being said, each member will have to exercise a certain level of self-discipline and will power as it is imperative that they consume the recipes that are provided by the weight loss company. The cost to become a member of this type of weight loss program is significantly lower than with weight loss companies that provide their members with pre-cooked meals. However, it is important to remember that there will be no decrease in grocery costs for those that choose to become a member of a weight loss company in which the individual prepares their own meals. In fact, grocery costs will typically increase slightly because the member will be purchasing higher quality nutritious foods. Weight loss companies in which members prepare their own meals also provide many of the following features:
This approach to weight loss is quite effective, safe and healthy. There are millions of success stories, and most of the weight loss principles associated with these types of companies are well documented and supported by the medical industry. Typical weight loss companies in which the member prepares their own meals include Glycemic Impact, South Beach, Anne Collins and Formula Zone.
As with any weight loss dietary approach, it is necessary for the individual to modify some portion of their lifestyle. In the case where an individual chooses the food intake weight loss approach, it is necessary that the individual modify their food consumption habits to that of a healthy, nutritious and low-calorie dietary regime. It is highly recommended that once you achieve your ideal target weight you continue to regularly consume a well balanced whole foods diet that is high in nutrition. ![]() By doing so, you will eliminate the "yo-yo" effect often associated with weight loss and you will ensure that you are feeding your body the nutrients it requires to support a healthy and long life. Finally, although not required, it is strongly recommended that you add an exercise routine to your daily lifestyle to facilitate an even greater rate of weight loss. The exercise program need not be overly aggressive. in fact, simply adding a walking routine three times a week to your lifestyle will greatly enhance your weight loss efforts and improve your overall health at the same time. |