Vitamin B6
Notes: mg stands for milligrams
Additional Information
Vitamin B6 is another water soluble nutrient in the Group B complex. Vitamin B6 has a variety of chemical forms and is also known as pyridoxin. It is an important vitamin that helps maintain bodily health in various ways. It is absorbed mainly in the jejunum of the digestive system but the body only maintains small storage sites for this vitamin. Processes such as canning foods and holding it in long storage can destroy and reduce the Vitamin B6 content.
Bodily Functions Performed by Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is involved in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism via the enzyme system. It assists the immune system through antibodies synthesis and helps regulate the sodium and potassium level within the body. Additionally, it has a role in maintaining the health of skin and the nervous system along with contributing in the prevention of illnesses and diseases.
Symptoms Of Deficiency:
- Depression
- Irritability and nervousness
- Insomnia
- Colon inflammation
- Migraine headaches
- Kidney stones
- Enhanced ageing and mental degredation
- Pancreas damage
Foods High In Vitamin B6
In general, raw foods are greater sources of Vitamin B6 than cooked foods. Quality sources include cereal grains, meat, yeast, sunflower seeds, wheat germs, soya beans walnuts, lima beans, lentils and other kinds of vegetables.
Ailments That Vitamin B6 Eliminates:
- Helps prevent anemia
- Assists in healthy functioning of the lymphoid organs
- Helps increase serotonin and norepinephrine synthesis
- Improves myelin formation
Side Effects/Pre-Cautions
The upper tolerable intake level for Vitamin B6 is 100 mg per day. Doses that exceed this limit can result in nerve damage of the limbs. Severity of the nerve damage may increase as the dosage increases.