Vitamin B7


Vitamin B7

Formal Name: Biotin
Supplement Forms: Pills, food, liquid

Recommended Daily Allowance

  • Infants: (0 to 12 Months) 5 - 6 mcg/day
  • Children: (1 to 13 Years) 8 - 20 mcg/day
  • Adolescents: (14 to 18 Years) 25 mcg/day
  • Adults: (19 and older) 30 mcg/day
  • Lactating Women: 35 mcg/day
  • Pregnant Women: 30 mcg/day

Notes: mcg stands for micrograms

Additional Information

Vitamin B7 is also commonly known as biotin or as vitamin H. It is one of the eight water soluble vitamins that are a part of the Group B complex. Like the rest of the B vitamins, biotin helps energy metabolism, enzyme function, skin related health and nervous system health. The body only maintains small storage amounts for biotin and so the supply must be replenished through the daily dietary intake. Once digested, biotin has an activity duration of about 14-18 hours on the body before its effectiveness is reduced.

Bodily Functions Performed by Vitamin B7

Vitamin B7's main role is in the metabolic processing of carbohydrates, proteins and fats through the enzyme system. It's also needed to create fatty acids and amino acids. Biotin contributes to red blood cell synthesis and is necessary for healthy hair, skin and nails.

Symptoms Of Deficiency:
  • Inflammation of the skin
  • Depression
  • Nausea
  • Loss of hair
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Muscle pain and soreness
Foods High In Vitamin B7

Quality sources of Vitamin B7 include egg yolk, oatmeal, mushrooms, bananas, liver, kidney, soy, peanuts, and brewer's yeast. The vitamin can also be found in breads, beans, cauliflower, chocolate, fish,oysters, poultry, whole grains and peanut butter.

Ailments That Vitamin B7 Eliminates:
  • Improves brittle and weak nails
  • Helps prevent hair loss
  • Aids in lowering blood sugar level
Side Effects/Pre-Cautions

There are no known side effects of Vitamin B7, even when doses are extremely high. Excess vitamin presence in the body is simply excreted in the urine.