Relaxing Integral Yoga![]() According to Sri Aurobindo, the founder of Integral yoga, this type of yoga is a synthesis between Tantra and Vedanta. More precisely, Integral yoga is a blending of the Western and Eastern theories on spirituality. The relaxing approach to Integral yoga focuses on and targets the melding of the body and spirit with the universe, and achieving enlightenment through the revealed mysteries. Sri Aurobindo first introduced relaxing Integral yoga in 1921 and described the practice of his version of yoga in his principle work on yoga, The Synthesis of Yoga. While most types of yoga tend to focus on and develop a single aspect of the individual's being, relaxing Integral yoga seeks to transform his or her entire being, hence the name. The theory behind relaxing Integral yoga is that through diligent and careful practice, you can transform your entire being, leaving no part of you behind. Types of MovementsExpanding the mind and spirit are the main goals of integral yoga. Controlling the breath and achieving a sense of harmony is what a practitioner focuses on while doing this type of exercise. The postures work the flexibility of the large joints and areas of the body, such as the hips and back. Opening the body in these ways coincides with opening the mind and spirit. Mental and Physical RequirementsThe physical requirements of relaxing Integral yoga are limited, making it the perfect choice for most beginners to any type of yoga. The poses used in each session are a varied blend from many other types of yoga studies, which helps introduce new students to other types of yoga over time. Mentally, it's important that your mind is open to the idea of complete transformation and melding with the universe. This concept is central to the study of relaxing Integral yoga. Equipment Requirements
Mental and Physical BenefitsMental
Aerobic EffectThe gentle nature of relaxing Integral yoga does not significantly promote cardiovascular endurance. Instead, the majority of the movements, poses, and series of movements are performed at a slower rate and held for a longer period of time. In addition, Integral yoga places an equal importance on calming the mind and strengthening the mind-body connection. ![]() Individuals that are new to yoga can expect to receive a limited aerobic benefit from performing an Integral type yoga routine, as that is not it's intent. CVV Store Forum However, for individuals that are looking for a yoga type that primarily targets the mental aspects associated with focusing, centering, and calming the mind while also improving flexibility, joint range of motion, balance, and coordination, Integral yoga may be for you. All that one needs for integral yoga is a mat and a quiet place. The positions are relatively easy so no other equipment is required. Integral yoga is easy for beginners to learn and practice on their own. The most important thing is to free yourself of distraction. |