
Giant Sets Routines - Chest

chest weight training

Performing a giant set routine for the chest muscles is designed to shock the primary muscle group and force it to develop at an accelerated rate. As with all giant sets that are performed across all primary muscle groups, the intensity should be high and the demands placed on the specific muscle group taxing.

More specifically, giant sets are an advanced weight training technique that can be used to shock the muscles and increase the rate at which muscle strength, density, and size are realized.

Individuals considering adding giant sets to their workout routine should have at least one year of weight training experience, a reasonable level of strength, and be familiar with the proper form required to perform each of the exercises.

Giant sets are performed on a single muscle group at a time and generally consist of performing 3 or more exercises per muscle group. Typically 3 to 5 sets per exercise are performed with the number of repetitions ranging from 8 to 12. The exercises chosen for each muscle group should work the muscle from various angles and complement one another.

To perform a giant set for a specific muscle group, choose 3 or more exercises for that muscle group. Perform one set of each of the exercises with no more than 5 to 15 seconds of rest in between each exercise. Once you have completed a set of each of the exercises you have completed one giant set. Rest for 2 to 3 minutes and repeat the process until all giant sets for the muscle group have been completed. A giant set should be repeated 3 to 5 times per muscle group. The entire giant set workout for the individual muscle group is completed once the final giant set has been performed.

Note: It is recommended that a giant set be performed only once or twice per muscle group per month as the intent is to shock the muscle. In addition, allow at least 48 hours rest before exercising the same muscle group again.

Giant Sets Routine #1 - Chest

The giant set chest weight training routines are designed for intermediate to advanced weight trainers and are intended to promote rapid gains in both strength and lean muscle density. The giant set exercises performed for chest target the overall mass of the muscle group as well as muscular definition.

Giant Sets Routine #2 - Chest

Giant sets are an advanced weight training technique that is designed for intermediate and advanced weight trainers. The giant set chest routines focus on increasing the rate in which lean muscle tissue and strength are developed. The routines target the upper, middle, lower, and peak portions of the chest muscles.

Giant Sets Routine #3 - Chest

The giant set chest weight training routines are designed to increase the rate in which strength and lean muscle density is achieved. The giant set chest weight training routines are intended for intermediate and advanced weight trainers and targets all aspects of development for the chest muscles.

Giant Sets Routine #4 - Chest

The giant set chest routines are designed to promote rapid development of the chest muscle in terms of lean muscle density and strength. The giant set chest routines target all aspects of of chest development and are intended for intermediate and advanced weight trainers.