Collagen Injectable Fillers![]() Collagen is just one of the materials that doctors inject into your face to give it a more smooth and plump appearance. Generally regarded as being safe, collagen is a substance that is contained in a large amount in your body from the day you are born. As you age, you begin to lose collagen and wrinkles form. A good understanding of the way that collagen injectable fillers work must first begin with an understanding of the different layers of your skin. Your skin is made up of three distinct layers. These layers are the epidermis (upper layer), the dermis (middle layer) and the subcutaneous (lower layer). All three layers contain nutrients and perform functions necessary to the proper function of your body. The dermis is the layer that contains the protein collagen. This nutrient acts as a network of fibers that support and hold the skin in place. When your body begins to lose collagen due to age, this structure breaks down and skin begins to sag. How Collagen Injectable Fillers WorkAs the name suggests, collagen is injected into the epidermis of your face to renew the support structure that has declined over time. There are four main types of these injections commonly used today. The most common injections are Zyderm, Zyplast, Cosmoderm and CosmoPlast. While Zyderm and Zyplast are actually taken from cows and require a small test of your skin before the procedure, Cosmoderm and Cosmoplast are taken from humans and generally require no testing phase. Collagen is rapidly accepted by your body and tightens the skin on your face to reduce or remove wrinkles. Collagen injections must be administered by a professional as they are generally not effective and dangerous if injected in too large or small of amounts or in the wrong areas of the face. Even though the assistance of a doctor is necessary, collagen injections are normally regarded as being safe. The Advantages of Collagen Injectable Fillers
The Disadvantages of Collagen Injectable Fillers![]()
The Side Effects of Collagen Injectable FillersBy far, the most common side effect of collagen injections is the risk of infection associated with any injection. Although infections can be serious, they are extremely rare in this type of injection. Other side effects can include:
Are Collagen Creams A Reasonable Alternative?The skin treatment market is full of cream products that promise the same results as injections. The simple fact is that they do not work anywhere near as well, even though they are much less expensive. Creams are valuable to prevent wrinkles by decelerating the loss of fluid from the skin but will not reverse wrinkles that have already formed. Do not let yourself get caught in the collagen cream trap. True results require a penetration of the top layer of skin that creams cannot offer. Are Collagen Injectable Fillers Right for You?![]() Collagen is a natural substance with very few side effects. A simple glance at the advantages and disadvantages will show that the pros far outnumber the cons. Treatment sessions are short and safe while results are immediate and almost always satisfactory. However, collagen's expense coupled with the short period of time that it is effective can quickly put a dent in your pocketbook. Your doctor will discuss exactly what conditions can be corrected using collagen and whether the use of these injections is worthwhile for you. While insurance does not normally cover these procedures, most doctors have payment plans set up so that you can divide the cost over the period between injections. |