Trying to Gain Weight![]() Despite the majority of people who examine their diets in an effort to lose weight, some do need to gain weight. Some may need to gain weight for health reasons, as part of a weight training program, or just because they feel they look underweight. While not given the same attention as being overweight, weighing less than one's ideal weight comes with its own health concerns. Many older people may need to gain a few pounds to remain healthy. Even erectile dysfunction has been attributed to some older men being underweight. Whatever the reason, there are times when individuals need to adjust their eating habits and possibly perform some form of strength training in order to gain weight. Creating a dietary plan to gain weight is basically eating a higher amount than your recommended caloric intake. A pound of body fat is equal to about 3,500 stored calories. So, if someone wanted to gain 10 pounds, he or she would reach that goal by eating 35000 extra calories than what his or her body burns. This is best done over a period of time while still keeping healthy eating practices in mind. Eating the Right CaloriesWhile eating to gain weight is an easier task than trying to lose weight, one should still be selective about which foods he or she uses to accomplish the goal. Many foods are just plain unhealthy, and while they may contain the calories one is looking for, they may also contain a lot of unhealthy things. Refined sugars can contribute to erratic insulin and blood sugar levels. These can rob people of energy during the day or create restless nights. Heavily processed foods may also contain “bad” cholesterol and carbohydrates, which can have many negative health effects including high blood pressure and heart disease. Making poor food choices may just give you empty calories. You will gain the weight you desire, but a wiser choice is to pick ones that also have nutritional value. That way you get ones that actually deliver some vitamins and nutrients along with your calories. Nutrients found in food are often more bioavailable and absorbed in a more even manner, so it's usually a good idea to get them from foodstuffs rather than depending on supplements. Add More Calories to Your Daily IntakeYou should eat more frequently. Rather than just having three meals a day, incorporate snacks and “in-between” meals. One could also increase the calorie content of those meals by substituting more hearty ingredients, like denser breads and starchy vegetables. Pack more calories onto everything by adding healthy sugars like honey, jam, and dried fruit to snacks and meals and incorporating good oils like olive and canola. Also, make use of beverages. Many calories come through drinks, so rather than water, drink shakes, juices, and milk. These provide many beneficial nutrients as well as being rather high in calories. Those nutrients will help keep you healthy and make workouts more productive. Packing on extra calories shouldn't be done randomly and mindlessly. In Summary![]() People may need to gain a few pounds for many different reasons. While many people think that this would be a simple feat, some individuals have trouble meeting and exceeding their caloric requirements. Simply eating more, while it is the basis for the solution, isn't a wise approach. Eating to gain weight should be done with healthiness in mind. Gorging on empty calories and “bad” fats will probably cause an increase in weight, but it may bring along other negative health issues. The best course of action is for one to supplement his or her meals with nutritious, calorie-dense foods. Eating more frequently is a good idea, especially for those not used to eating larger portions. If done correctly, gaining weight does not have to be an unhealthy thing. In some cases, it is beneficial to the person, as long as it is done responsibly and mindfully. |