Vitamin K

Vitamin K

Vitamin K

Formal Name: Antihaemorrhagic factor
Supplement Forms: Pills, food, liquid

Recommended Daily Allowance

  • Infants: (0 to 12 Months) 2 - 2.5 mcg/day
  • Children: (1 to 13 Years) 30 - 60 mcg/day
  • Adolescents: (14 to 18 Years) 75 mcg/day
  • Adults: (19 and older) 90 - 120 mcg/day
  • Lactating Women: 75 - 90 mcg/day
  • Pregnant Women: 75 - 90 mcg/day

Notes: mcg stands for micrograms.

Additional Information

Vitamin K actually has two forms:K1 - a form found in plants, and K2 - a form produced by bacteria. This vitamin is primarily fat soluble and is stable against light, heat and air exposure. Unfortunately, it is easily destroyed by alkalies, acids, oxidizing agents and radiation. Bile is needed to absorb vitamin K that is supplied from food, while bacterial intestines are able to produce the rest of the needed supply of vitamin K.

Bodily Functions Performed by Vitamin K

Vitamin K's primary function is to control the blood clotting mechanism. It activates the appropriate enzymes required to initiate the clotting sequence that reduces the amount of blood that is potentially lost and helps isolate the area of injury. Furthermore, this vitamin is present in maintaining adequate bone mass and as an antioxidant that reduces damage caused by free radicals.

Symptoms Of Deficiency:
  • Symptoms of deficiency are more likely to occur from an inability for the body to use Vitamin K rather than a lack of intake.
  • Can lead to a reduced ability for the blood to clot, causing bruises, bleeding and hemorrhages.
Foods High In Vitamin K

Vitamin K is produced by intestinal bacteria. However, it is also available in foods such as cabbage, spinach, alfalfa, yogurt, cereals, soya beans, and cow's milk.

Ailments That Vitamin K Eliminates:
  • Treat life-threatening hemorrhaging
  • Helps prevent osteoporosis
  • Prevents hardening of the arteries
  • Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Prevent abnormal muscle weakness
Side Effects/Pre-Cautions

Toxicity risk for vitamin K is very low. However symptoms of possible vitamin K toxicity include vomiting, jaundice, thrombosis and anemia in newborns.

Chronic toxicity or hypervitaminosis A: Vitamin A toxicity is typically associated with dosages that exceed 30,000 IU’s (International Units). Symptoms associated with vitamin A toxicity include blurred and/or double vision, headaches, insomnia, microcytic anemia, neutropenia (low white blood cell counts), blood clotting issues, liver damage, bone and skin changes.