Additional Information
Vitamin B9 which is widely known as folic acid is an essential vitamin for most biological organisms and thus is important in keeping various systems of the body healthy. It is absorbed mainly through the jejunum and the small intestine of the digestive system where half of it is then stored in the liver. Folic acid is most associated with pregnant women as it is the most important nutrient for proper foetus development.
Bodily Functions Performed by Vitamin B9
Vitamin B9 is essential in the synthesis of ribonucleic (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic (DNA) acids. It contributes to general growth and development of the body, particularly in the division of nerve cells and nerve transmitters. The immune system also contains folic acid where it contributes toward antibody synthesis and infection prevention. In combination with the other Group B vitamins, folic acid promotes healthy skin, hair and nails.
Symptoms Of Deficiency:
- Skin disorders
- Anemia
- Impaired blood circulation
- Chronic fatigue
- Depression
- Hair loss
- Diarrhea
- Tongue Inflammation
- Skin pigmentation change to a grey-brown color
- Reduced sex drive in males
- Difficult labor during pregnancy
- Sudden abortion
Foods High In Vitamin B9
Good dietary sources of folic acid include cluster beans, spinach, mint, green leaves, gingelly seeds, meats, bengal gram and green gram. Additionally, breads, citrus fruits, poultry, whole grain, legumes and liver contain an adequate folic acid content.
Ailments That Vitamin B9 Eliminates:
- Aids in the treatment of anemia
- Prevents neural tube defects in newborn babies
- Helps reduce risk of colon cancer in women
- Contributes to heart disease prevention
- Assists in leg ulcer treatment
Side Effects/Pre-Cautions
Folic acid causes little to no side effects. Doses greater than 1 milligram per day can mask nerve damage caused by a deficiency in Vitamin B12. High doses may also result in upset stomach, diarrhea, irritability, insomnia, and skin rashes. Folic acid may also interfere with anti-convulsant drugs prescribed for the treatment of epilepsy.