


Formal Name: Pimpinella anisum
Supplement Forms: Pills, food, liquid

Recommended Daily Allowance

  • Infants: (0 to 12 Months) N/A
  • Children: (1 to 13 years) N/A
  • Adolescents: (14 to 18 Years) N/A
  • Adults: (19 and Older) N/A
  • Lactating Women: N/A
  • Pregnant Women: N/A

Notes: No RDA info available.

Additional Information


Anise, also known as anis and aniseed, is a flowering plant native to southwest Asia and the Mediterranean. The herb was originally used as a sleeping aide, and was chewed with honey to freshen morning breath. Interestingly, capsules of anise were included in the ball bearings used in British steam locomotives. If the bearings overheated, the anise smell would serve as a warning.

Bodily Functions Anise Assists

Anise is known to aide in digestion and alleviate flatulence. In addition Anise can be used to brew tea that may work as a sleeping aide. Anise is also an expectorant, loosening mucus from the chest and throat.

Foods High in Anise

Anise is frequently used as a flavoring agent in cookies, cakes, biscuits, curries, and alcoholic beverages.

Ailment That Anise Eliminates:
  • Eliminates flatulence
  • Removes head lice
  • Treats insomnia
  • Treats cataracts
  • Alleviates indigestion
  • Works as an expectorant, removing mucus from the lungs and bronchial tubes
Side Effects/Pre-Cautions:
  • When making tea with anise, boiling the herb for an extended period of time will remove its health benefits
  • Ingesting large amounts of anise may cause increased perspiration
  • Larger quantities of urine may be produced after consuming anise