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Category Archives: Exercise
30 Minutes of Exercise May Not Be Enough For Heart Health
Fitness research often reveals that small amounts of low-intensity physical activity can be beneficial in many ways. For example, it’s been shown that just two minutes of walking every hour can lead to a longer lifespan. Short bursts of activity can be incredibly effective for senior citizens who may have a difficult time performing typical exercise routines. Also, a study published last month shows that simply fidgeting at your desk while sitting could potentially be considered a form of micro-exercise that helps contribute to a longer lifespan.
Posted in Exercise, Health, Health Facts, Medical, News, Studies
Study Casts Doubt on Effectiveness of Fitness Apps
As of January 2014, global measurement firm Nielsen reported that nearly one-third of smartphone owners in the U.S. are accessing apps in the fitness and health category. That comes out to be around 46 million people, and the number has likely grown since then. There are many different types of fitness apps out there, and they all offer varying fitness goals and techniques in realms such as cardio, bodybuilding, flexibility, yoga and weight loss. In general, fitness apps can offer exercise information, instructional articles and videos, calorie counters, fitness news, progress tracking, and exercise motivation. Some fitness apps even use unique motivation methods, such as Pact, which pays you money for meeting your exercise goals, or takes money away from you for missing them. Unfortunately, people who rely on these fitness apps may not be getting an effective workout.
Posted in Exercise, Health, Health Facts, News, Studies
Just 2 Minutes of Walking Per Hour Can Help You Boost Your Health
Everybody knows that sitting for long periods of time is unhealthy. Studies have shown that prolonged physical inactivity is one of the biggest causes of obesity – even more so than a poor diet. It follows that a sedentary lifestyle could lead to heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, sleep apnea, early mortality and many other conditions. Too much sitting has even been linked with higher rates of cancer. With so many jobs now requiring employees to sit in front of a computer for hours every day, sedentary lifestyles are becoming more and more prevalent. It’s believed that a whopping 82.7 million Americans were completely inactive in 2014. Luckily, however, even small amounts of physical activity can be beneficial. According to a new study, as little as two minutes of light activity every hour could be quite effective.
Posted in Exercise, Health, Health Facts, News, Studies
Cognitive Decline Prevention Starts With Exercise
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Americans are currently living longer than ever. While this is great news, it also signals a need for increased understanding of elderly health issues and resources for dealing with them. In particular, longer life spans necessitate a continued need for research into cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s prevention. As of now, 5.3 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s, and it’s the sixth leading cause of death. Plenty of studies suggest different methods for preventing Alzheimer’s, such as learning a second language or making sure you get enough vitamin D. However, not everybody develops Alzheimer’s as they get older – but many elderly people will experience cognitive decline of some sort. What can be done in those cases? A new report from the non-profit Institute of Medicine describes some prevention strategies.
Posted in Exercise, Health, Health Facts, Medical, Mental Health, Studies
Majority of Doctors Leave Medical Schools Without Exercise Education
Everybody knows that exercise is one of the fundamental aspects of living a fit and healthy lifestyle. Just some of the benefits of exercise include weight control, disease prevention, energy boosting, stress relief and sleep improvements. It’s been proven time and time again that a lack of exercise can lead to poor life quality and early mortality. A sedentary lifestyle can even be more damaging than obesity. Plenty of research has indicated that exercise can be effective in treating specific conditions as well. It’s been proven to help with depression, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and many others. It also can improve memory and brainpower. Unfortunately, a new study says that many medical schools simply aren’t teaching doctors to use exercise in their treatment plans. The results of the study might be indicative of a problem within the culture of the medical industry.
Posted in Exercise, Health, Medical, Mental Health, News, Studies
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