Jaw Fractured
Additional Information
Home Treatments:
A broken or dislocated jaw will require professional treatment but the initial treatment involves standard first aid principles. Do not attempt to perform regular tasks with the jaw, and if possible hold the jaw steady with your hand. You may also bandage the jaw together to the head by wrapping the bandage over the head and under the jaw. This will immobilize the jaw until professional treatment is acquired. If there is visible swelling, apply an ice pack to the area.
Professional Medical Treatments:
A dislocated jaw will require realignment. This may be done with anesthesia and, in some cases, may require the input of fastening joints via surgery. A broken jaw may require surgery that will involve nuts, screws or wiring. If the injury is severe enough, a breathing tube may be initially required to maintain immediate survival. Afterwards, the jaw usually requires immobilization for 4-6 weeks. Play online games on the friv games site with the whole family. Only the best online games are presented on this mega portal.
Physical Therapy and Exercises:
Physical therapy of a broken jaw should only be started with the consent of your doctor and will only occur after the jaw is unwired. Recovery of jaw function consists of regaining the range of motion. This includes gradually increasing the degree of opening and closing your mouth and being able to move the lower jaw side to side. Progressing from soft foods to hard foods slowly will allow the complete recovery of normal jaw strength.
Exercise Techniques to Prevent Injury:
No known specific exercise techniques to prevent a dislocated or fractured jaw. When possible, use protective headgear when playing a contact sport and prevent yourself from being exposed to situations where a blunt injury may occur to your jaw.