Glenohumeral Arthritis
Additional Information
Home Treatments:
Over-the-counter pain medication can alleviate pain and discomfort associated with shoulder arthritis. Cryotherapy is also a long-standing method of relieving pain that uses cool temperatures to remove heat from the effected area. For glenohumeral arthritis, this can be in the form of an ice pack or a hand pump that circulates water up the arm to the shoulder.
Professional Medical Treatments:
Massage therapists may assist in relieving pain at the area of discomfort. For severe cases of glenohumeral arthritis, shoulder surgery may be the solution. Since the cause of pain is the gradual wearing down of cartilage, surgery usually involves injecting cortisone to the effected area. In extreme cases, total joint replacement may be necessary.
Physical Therapy and Exercises:
If the condition is caught early, non-vigorous exercise can curb the progression of degradation of cartilage in the joint. Warm water pool exercises has also proven effective against the pain associated with shoulder arthritis. In accelerated cases when exercise and physical therapy no longer relieve pain, surgery is usually the next step.
Exercise Techniques to Prevent Injury:
Many causes of glenohumeral arthritis are disease, age or use. To prevent onset or worsening of this condition, jerking or intense use of the shoulder joint during exercise should be avoided. Stretching and yoga can improve flexibility and joint health, including the glenohumeral joint.