Home Fitness Weight Loss Approaches Stimulate Metabolism

Stimulate Metabolism

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One approach an individual can take to losing weight is to increase the number of calories their body burns on a daily basis. In other words, if an individual increases their metabolism to a level where their body burns more calories than they consume on a daily basis, they will lose weight.

Each individual has what is called a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). The Basal Metabolic Rate of an individual essentially refers to the amount of energy that their body expends when at rest in a neutrally temperate environment (i.e. a room at normal temperature). In order to detrmine an accurate BMR value it is also required for the digestive system to be inactive, which requires at least a 12-hour fast.

Your sympathetic nervous system, essentially your "fight or flight" system, must be inactive as well. When all of these elements are in place, your BMR essentially refers to the amount of energy that your body expends when simply running the necessary mechanisms in your body. This primarily refers to the amount of energy required for your vital organs to function properly.

Metabolism stimulants, boosters and supplements focus on increasing an individual’s BMR, hence increasing the number of calories their body burns on a daily basis. There are several ways in which an individual can increase their metabolism. Below are the most common approaches:

Prescription Metabolism Stimulants

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As their name implies, prescription metabolism stimulants require a valid prescription from a medical professional before they can be obtained.

Since prescription metabolism stimulants universally come with various side effects and potential drug interactions, it's crucial that you are completely honest with your medical doctor when discussing your weight loss concerns and why you are considering a prescription metabolism stimulant.

Although some prescription metabolism stimulants contain natural ingredients, most are synthetically manufactured by large pharmaceutical companies.

As with all prescription drugs, prescription metabolism stimulants are subject to rigorous review by the FDA. Before they're approved for use, prescription metabolism stimulants are evaluated for their ingredient quality, safety, effectiveness, side effects and interactions, among other factors. However, approval from the FDA does not guarantee that a given prescription metabolism stimulant will be safe, effective or both for all individuals.

Some of the most common prescription metabolism stimulants to currently hold FDA approval include Xenical and Phentermine. Both stimulants are fairly expensive relative to over-the-counter synthetic metabolism stimulants, though many users are willing to pay a higher price in exchange for FDA approval, which at least ensures that all of a given drug's ingredients have been reviewed for safety. The lists of ingredients contained in over-the-counter metabolism stimulants, by comparison, are generally not reviewed by third party institutions outside of the manufacturer.

Prescription metabolism stimulants always come with potential side effects, including gas, bloating, headache, constipation, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Some prescription metabolism stimulants can also cause dizziness, insomnia, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. There is evidence of Xenical, for example, causing liver damage, though the drug remains approved by the FDA pending further analysis.

It's worth noting that even FDA-approved prescription metabolism stimulants are generally not intended or approved for long-term use. Typically, your doctor will prescribe a metabolism stimulant for no longer than 12 weeks, though Xenical is a notable exception that is approved for use over a longer duration. You can expect your doctor to evaluate your weight loss progress throughout the prescription period to determine whether the metabolism stimulant is indeed safe and effective for your personal use.

Since prescription metabolism stimulants are not designed for indefinite use, your weight may return to its original level after the stimulant is discontinued. For this reason, it's best to think of prescription metabolism stimulants as a bridge toward making the lifestyle changes necessary to keeping the weight off permanently. These lifestyle changes may include the addition of an exercise plan, a healthy, balanced, calorie-conscious diet, or both.

Over-the-Counter Synthetic Metabolism Stimulants

A wide variety of over-the-counter synthetic metabolism stimulants are available for purchase from health food stores, drug stores and supermarkets, with additional options available online. Synthetic metabolism stimulants are typically manufactured by major pharmaceutical companies. Although some over-the-counter synthetic metabolism stimulants have been proven safe and effective, others pose potential health risks and may be totally ineffective in your weight loss efforts. This is because over-the-counter weight loss drugs and dietary supplements are not required to follow the same rigorous guidelines and standards as prescription drugs.

Once over-the-counter synthetic metabolism stimulants are brought to the retail market, the FDA begins to monitor their safety and determines whether to recall, ban or continue to allow the sale of each product. For this reason, it's important to research any over-the-counter synthetic metabolism supplement on the FDA website before determining whether it's safe to use. Just because a given synthetic metabolism stimulant requires no prescription does not mean that it's safe or free of negative drug interactions, so it's important to talk to your doctor before beginning any pill-based weight loss regimen.

Some of the more common over-the-counter synthetic metabolism stimulants you'll find on the market include Clinicallix, Nuphedragen, Advantra-Z, LipoFuze and Chromium. These drugs contain ingredients such as green tea extract, Synephrine, Fucoxanthin, Razberi K, Guggui EZ 100, Citrus Aurantium, Chocamine and Phenylethylamine. Common side effects associated with most over-the-counter synthetic metabolism stimulants include constipation, diarrhea, bloating and headache.

Over-the-Counter Herbal Extract Metabolism Stimulants

There are several types of natural and herbal metabolism stimulants that can be used to facilitate weight loss. With most natural and herbal products, the side effects tend to be less pronounced when compared to their prescription or synthetic counterparts. Many natural and herbal metabolism stimulants provide additional health benefits as well. For instance, the acai berry is a metabolism booster that claims to provide the following benefits:

    herbal weight loss pills
  • Promote weight loss

  • Increase energy

  • Fight diseases

  • Boost the immune system

  • Improve digestion system and vision

  • Reduce signs of aging

  • Increase sex drive

The acai berry is only one of many natural metabolism stimulants available to individuals seeking to safely and effectively lose weight. While many natural and herbal metabolism stimulants are touted as "all-natural," it is important that the user evaluate and understand as much as possible about the product before taking it.

In addition, many natural and herbal weight loss products have not been approved by the FDA. However, the FDA generally does not evaluate products that are not considered drugs and are not patentable.

When metabolism stimulants are combined with an exercise routine, an even greater amount of weight can be lost over the same period of time. By combining a higher metabolic rate (i.e. a higher expenditure of energy) with an exercise routine, weight loss will occur at a faster rate. Although not 100% necessary, it is recommended that individuals who are planning on taking a metabolism stimulant to lose weight couple their efforts with an exercise routine. Below is an example of how combining an exercise routine with a metabolism stimulant will enhance the rate of weight loss.

Stimulate Metabolism Weight Loss Approach
Stimulate Metabolism
The weight loss approach of increasing one's metabolism works on the basis of increasing the rate at which their body burns calories. By doing so, the individual will enter a state where they are burning more calories than they are in taking from food. Under normal conditions it is recommended that the individual include an exercise routine to their increased metabolism weight loss approach to increase the effectiveness of their overall weight loss regimen. There are three basic ways to increase one's metabolism: through the food types consumed and the rate at which they are consumed, natural metabolism enhancers, and medical metabolism enhancers. As with appetite suppressants, effectiveness, safety and side effects vary among the numerous options available.
Top Rated Stimulate Metabolism Weight Loss Programs Reviewed Here

Natural Approaches to Metabolism Stimulation

  • B Vitamins - B vitamins are key players in DNA synthesis, the central nervous system, metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and protein, and energy production. Foods high in B vitamins include spinach, asparagus, beans (navy, soy, black beans), melon, broccoli, fish, poultry and eggs.

  • Magnesium - Magnesium is a mineral needed by every cell in your body and used in more than 300 biochemical reactions, including proper muscle, nerve and heart function, protein synthesis and energy metabolism. Food sources high in magnesium include green vegetables (i.e. spinach), halibut, nuts such as almonds, cashews and peanuts, soybeans, whole-grain cereals, oatmeal and legumes such as black-eyed peas and lentils.

  • Eat Healthy Snacks – Consuming healthy snacks throughout the day assists in stimulating your metabolism and helps regulate your blood sugar level. Frequently consuming healthy snacks in reasonably-sized portions can minimize food cravings and reduce the overeating tendencies that often lead to weight gain. Healthy snacks should focus on foods that are low in fat and high in complex carbohydrates and protein. Examples of healthy snacks include peanut butter, fruits, vegetables, trail mix, cottage cheese, salads and soups.

  • Eat Breakfast – Clinical studies indicate that eating breakfast may increase an individual’s resting metabolism by 10% while reducing the risk of obesity and diabetes. It's always a good idea to consume a healthy breakfast before starting your day. Healthy breakfast choices include whole grain cereal and fruit, whole wheat toast and peanut butter, and low-fat yogurt topped with a handful of granola, to name just a few. Please see the Recipes section of our website for additional healthy breakfast choices.

  • Interval Training – Interval training (i.e. a Fartlek) is an excellent way to increase your metabolism and make your workouts more fun. Interval training alternates short bursts of intense activity with lower intensity activity. For example; alternating sprints with a slow jog, or running up a hill followed by an easy downhill run. Interval training conditions the heart and muscles to use oxygen more efficiently. Several clinical studies have concluded that interval training alters the mitochondria (the energy source within our cells) to burn more fat. Interval training burns more calories, increases your metabolic rate, and improves your level of fitness at a faster rate than many other forms of training.

  • Strength Training - As most individuals age, they tend to lose lean muscle mass and gain body fat. The result is a slower metabolic rate. This creates an environment where weight gain occurs at an even quicker rate. Lean muscle mass is constantly burning energy, even when it is not actively being worked. In fact, lean muscle mass burns more calories than any other part of the body. The higher the percentage of lean muscle mass an individual has, the higher their metabolism will be. One approach to increasing lean muscle mass is to regularly perform strength or resistance training.

  • Consume a Reasonable Amount of Calories - Decreasing an individual’s caloric intake to a level that is too low is a surefire way to decrease their metabolic rate. Food stimulates energy metabolism needed for digestion in a process called dietary induced thermogenesis. When an individual decreases their caloric intake, the calories burned through eating are decreased as well. The result is a lower rate of metabolism. This occurs because the body views the decrease in calories as starvation and tries to conserve its reserves of carbohydrates and fat by slowing down metabolism.

  • Choosing an Exercise Workout Program

    There are numerous types of workout programs that can be added to one's lifestyle to improve their overall health. The three major types of exercise are cardiovascular training, strength training and flexibility training.

    Cardiovascular Training focuses on raising the heart rate, improves the condition of the heart, works various muscle groups, and increases balance and coordination.

    Strength Training facilitates the development of lean muscle mass, muscular strength, stronger, denser bones, improved range of motion, and increased balance and coordination. In addition, adding lean muscle mass increases the individual's metabolism, subsequently burning more calories even while in a resting state.

    Flexibility Training promotes joint flexibility and range of motion, reduces the probability of injury, flushes toxins from the body, and improves balance and coordination.

    Example of the Rate of Weight Loss through a Metabolism Stimulant only

    Sex: Male
    Age: 25
    Height: 5’10"
    Weight: 200 pounds

    Calculate the individual's Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) (Average number of calories the individual burns per day). The following formula applies exclusively to men.

    BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

    BMR = 66 + (6.23 x 200) + (12.7 x 70) – (6.8 x 25)

    BMR = 66 + 1,246 + 889 – 170= 2,031

    Calories consumed: 1,762

    Difference in calories burned and calories consumed: 269/day

    NOTE: Individual is at an average caloric deficit of 269 calories/day. To lose 1 pound of weight requires a deficit of 3,500 calories.

    Total caloric deficit per week from diet: 269 calories per day X 7 days per week = 1,883 calories/week

    Amount of weight lost per week: 1,883 (calories) / 3,500 (calories) = 0.54 pounds/week

    Example of the Rate of Weight Loss through the Combination of a Metabolism Stimulant and Exercise

    Sex: Male
    Age: 25
    Height: 5’10"
    Weight: 200 pounds

    Calculate the individual's Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) (Average number of calories the individual burns per day). Again, the following formula is for men only.

    BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

    BMR = 66 + (6.23 x 200) + (12.7 x 70) – (6.8 x 25)

    BMR = 66 + 1,246 + 889 – 170= 2,031

    Calories consumed: 1,762

    Difference in calories burned and calories consumed: 269/day

    Addition of an Exercise Routine

    Exercise Routine: Walking for 3 miles at a pace of 3mph, 5 times a week - (Burns roughly 373 calories per workout)

    Total caloric deficit per week from diet: 269 calories per day X 7 = 1,883 calories/week

    Total caloric deficit per week from walking workout: 373 (calories) x 5 (days) = 1,865 calories/week

    Total Combined caloric deficit per week: 1,883 (diet) + 1,865 (exercise) = 3,748 calories/week

    NOTE: Individual is at an average caloric deficit of 535.43 calories/day. To lose 1 pound of weight requires a deficit of 3,500 calories.

    Amount of weight lost per week: 3,748 (calories) / 3,500 (calories) = 1.07 pounds/week

    As can be seen in the previous example, an individual would double the amount of weight they lose per week (1.07 pounds vs. 0.54 pounds) simply by adding a walking exercise routine to their lifestyle. The health benefits beyond simple weight loss are countless.

    The individual will improve their cardiovascular and heart health, minimize their bone density loss, improve their blood flow, improve their mental well-being, and improve their coordination and balance, to name just some of the health benefits.

    As is evident from the example above, the ideal situation for individuals who want to obtain their target body weight is to couple an exercise routine with a healthy diet and a metabolism stimulant (after consulting a doctor).

    This allows you to achieve your ideal body weight and improve your health and fitness at the same time.

    For this reason, we have included numerous exercises, exercise routines, recipes and fitness tips throughout our website to assist you in determining which type of exercise routine is ideal for you.