Home Exercises Romanian Deadlifts With Two Kettlebells

Romanian Deadlifts With Two Kettlebells

Exercise Tips

  • Do not arch your back
  • Do not lean forward too far- your shoulders should not go past your toes

Romanian Deadlifts With Two Kettlebells

This exercise targets your hamstrings and provides a low cardio benefit. It also works your glutes and lower back.

Muscle Group

Hamstrings, Gluteals (Glutes), Lower Back


1 Day a Week to
2 Days a Week



Cardiovascular Benefit


Muscle Group: Hamstrings, Gluteals (Glutes), Lower Back

Equipment: Kettlebells

Minimum Frequency: 1 Day a Week

Maximum Frequency: 2 Days a Week

Cardiovascular Benefit: Low

Exercise Category: Kettlebell Hamstrings

Starting Position: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointing forward. Hold a kettlebell by the handle in each hand, palms facing in. Hang your arms straight down at your sides.

  1. 1 Exhaling, slowly squat down, slightly bending your knees and pushing your backside towards the wall behind you, lowering the kettlebells to about ankle level. Keep your arms and back straight the entire time.
  2. 2 Inhale and slowly return to starting position.
  3. 3 Repeat this exercise until you have completed all repetitions for the set.