Home Exercises EZ Bar Spider Curls

EZ Bar Spider Curls

Exercise Tips

  • Use a slow 3 count on the way up and down

EZ Bar Spider Curls

This exercise targets your biceps and provides a low cardio benefit.

Muscle Group



2 Days a Week to
3 Days a Week


EZ Curl Bar, Preacher Curl Bench

Cardiovascular Benefit


Muscle Group: Biceps

Equipment: EZ Curl Bar, Preacher Curl Bench

Minimum Frequency: 2 Days a Week

Maximum Frequency: 3 Days a Week

Cardiovascular Benefit: Low

Exercise Category: Biceps

Starting Position: Position yourself on the preacher bench, but instead of using the sloped side, use the straight side. This will allow for a great range of motion. Hold a barbell with an underhand grip, hands about a foot apart. Hang your arms over the pad so they are straight down.

  1. 1 Exhaling, slowly curl the bar up towards your chin, until your forearms make a 90 degree angle with the pad.
  2. 2 Inhale and slowly lower the bar back to starting position.
  3. 3 Repeat this exercise until you have completed all repetitions for the set.