Deltoids & Trapezius

Super Sets Routines - Deltoids & Trapezius

deltoids dumbbell press

Performing a deltoids and trapezius super set weight training routine is designed to aggressively exercise both muscle groups. The intention of regularly adding a super set weight training session to a pair of muscle groups is to shock the specific muscle groups and force them to more rapidly gain strength, lean muscle tissue density, and definition.

There are a couple of ways in which you can perform a super set routine where two different muscle groups are involved.

First, you can perform one set of the first deltoids exercise followed by one set of the first trapezius exercise without rest in between the two sets. Once completed, rest for 1 to 3 minutes and repeat the process until all sets for the first deltoids and first trapezius exercises have been completed. Repeat the exact same process for the second deltoids and trapezius exercises.

Thereafter, repeat the exact same process for the remaining deltoids and trapezius exercises until you have performed all exercises for both muscle groups.

A second approach to supper setting two different muscle groups is to combine multiple exercises for each muscle group into a super set format. For example, you can perform one set of the first deltoids exercise followed by one set of the first trapezius exercise followed by one set of second deltoids exercises followed by one set of second trapezius exercise followed by one set of the third deltoids exercise followed by one set of third trapezius exercise, and so on. In other words, alternate between performing one deltoids exercise followed by performing one trapezius exercise until one set has been completed for each, and all, of the exercise types for each muscle group. Thereafter, rest for 2 to 5 minutes and repeat until all sets have been completed.

Below are several deltoids and trapezius super set weight training routines. All of the weight deltoids and trapezius super set weight training programs are intended for intermediate to advanced weight trainers:

Note: Do not rest when performing a cycle of the super set. Time between sets during the super set cycle should be between 5 and 15 seconds (enough time to get from one exercise station to the next). Upon completion of a super set cycle, rest for 2 to 5 minutes. Allow the muscle groups that have been exercised a minimum of 48 hours rest before performing this super set routine again.

Super Sets Routine #1 - Deltoids & Trapezius

The super set deltoids and trapezius weight training routine includes two muscle groups where, to a certain extent, one exercise may work both muscle groups. The workout routine is designed for both intermediate and advanced weight trainers and includes both rhythmic and explosive exercises.

Super Sets Routine #2 - Deltoids & Trapezius

The super set deltoids and trapezius weight training routine is designed for advanced and intermediate weight trainers alike and can be performed within a typical weight training session. The intent of the workout routine is to promote gains in strength, muscle density, and definition.

Super Sets Routine #3 - Deltoids & Trapezius

The super set deltoids and trapezius weight training routine includes two muscle groups that may be exercises simultaneously when performing a single exercise. The workout routine includes both explosive and rhythmic exercises and is designed to increase lean muscle mass, definition, and strength.

Super Sets Routine #4 - Deltoids & Trapezius

The super set deltoids and trapezius weight training routine is designed to rapidly promote gains in strength, muscular definition, and muscle mass. The workout routine is designed for both intermediate and advanced weight trainers with at least six months of consistent weight training.

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