


Formal Name: Potassium Acetate
Supplement Forms: Pills, food, liquid

Recommended Daily Allowance

  • Infants: (0 to 12 Months) 400 - 700 mg/day
  • Children: (1 to 13 Years) 3,000 - 4,500 mg/day
  • Adolescents: (14 to 18 Years) 4,700 mg/day
  • Adults: (19 and older) 4,700 mg/day
  • Lactating Women: 5,100 mg/day
  • Pregnant Women: 4,700 mg/day

Notes: mg stands for milligrams.

Additional Information

Potassium is an essential mineral required for basic bodily function. It's influence in muscle contraction, nerve transmission and pH balance means that it is in practically all types of tissues, primarily in intracellular fluid. About 120 grams of potassium and 245 grams of potassium chloride are in the average human body, with 117 grams of the potassium being located within cells. However, excessive use of alcohol, coffee, sugar and diuretics results in increased excretion of potassium.

Bodily Functions That Potassium Assists In

Along with sodium and chloride, potassium helps maintain an appropriate electrolyte balance. It does so by acting as an alkalizing agent in the blood and tissues, preventing the possibility of an hyper acidic environment. Potassium is absolutely critical in all muscle contractions and nerve transmission including the heartbeat. It is also involved in storage of carbohydrates within muscle fibers.

Symptoms Of Deficiency:
  • Potassium deficiency is rather rare but may occur during gastro-intestinal problems
  • Physical fatigue
  • Heart palpitations
  • Irritability
  • Excess perspiration
  • Inability to concentrate
Foods High In Potassium

High potassium sources include lean meats, poultry, fish, banana, milk, avocado, oranges, tomatoes, spinach, potatoes, kiwi and lima beans. Other adequate potassium sources are asparagus, beets, carrots, broccoli, green peas, summer squash, corn, and apple juice.

Ailments That Potassium Helps Against:
  • Helps reduce high blood pressure
  • Decreases risk of heart disease
  • Decreases risk of stroke
  • Contributes in treatment of allergy
  • Prevents hyperacidity
  • Prevents irregular heart beat
Side Effects/Toxicity

High levels of potassium in the blood may lead to irregular heart beat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It may also contribute towards a heart attack.