


Formal Name: Petroselinum crispum
Supplement Forms: Plant, liquid

Recommended Daily Allowance

  • Infants: (0 to 12 Months) N/A
  • Children: (1 to 13 years) N/A
  • Adolescents: (14 to 18 Years) N/A
  • Adults: (19 and Older) N/A
  • Lactating Women: N/A
  • Pregnant Women: N/A

Notes: No RDA info available.

Additional Information


The ancient Romans used parsley as an ingredient in virtually all of their sauces and salads, while the Greeks thought of parsley as a sacred herb and chose not to consume it. Instead, wreaths of parsley were awarded to winners of athletic events. The herb serves as a symbol of rebirth in Hebrew lore. Parsley was introduced to Britain in the 16th century, though it is thought to have originated in the Mediterranean.

Bodily Functions Parsley Assists

Parsley is an aromatic, aesthetically pleasing herb that can be grown indoors or outdoors. It serves as a diuretic, allowing the body to discharge urine and prevent water retention. It also helps to stimulate menstrual flow and digestion. Parsley can be chewed or mixed with hot water in order to alleviate bad breath naturally. Parsley is a great source of Vitamin A and Iron.

Foods High in Parsley

Parsley is a delicious herb used in a variety of cooking styles. It is frequently used as an addition to pasta sauces, salads, soups, and as a garnish for meat and vegetables. It can also be used in brewing herbal tea.

Ailment That Parsley Eliminates:
  • Acts as a diuretic
  • Fights indigestion
  • Eliminates delayed menstruation
  • Cures bad breath
  • Gets rid of blackheads when applied externally
Side Effects/Pre-Cautions:
  • Parsley oil should not be ingested
  • Pregnant women should avoid parsley
  • People with gallbladder or kidney problems shouldn't eat parsley