Notes: No RDA info available.
Additional Information
History Mistletoe is an important plant in European folklore. It was originally used in the rituals of Celtic druids, who would use a golden sickle to cut oak mistletoe. It was thought of as an aphrodisiac and symbol of love and sex. The plant has been hung around homes during Christmastime for centuries, and at other times of year to keep away evil spirits. The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe dates back to ancient Greece.
Bodily Functions Mistletoe Assists Research has indicated that Mistletoe may have the ability to stimulate the immune system and reduce high blood pressure in some individuals. In addition, studies done on laboratory animals have shown that mistletoe may work as a cancer treatment, preventing healthy cells from turning into cancer cells. Unfortunately, more scientific data is required before these claims can be verified.
Foods High in Mistletoe Both the berries and leaves of the mistletoe plant are poisonous and should not be ingested. Mistletoe extract, however, is available in safer pill forms, called Eurixor and Iscador.
Ailment That Mistletoe Eliminates:
- May lower blood pressure
- Stimulates immune system
- May work as a cancer treatment
- May treat hepatitis
Side Effects/Pre-Cautions:
- Do not eat mistletoe
- Pregnant women should not use mistletoe
- Do not take mistletoe supplements if you use blood pressure medication, digoxin, or antiarrhthmics
- Headache
- Fever
- Chest pain
- Leukocytosis (excess of white blood cells)
- Low blood pressure
- Low heart rate
- Vomiting and diarrhea