


Formal Name: Cinnamon aromaticum
Supplement Forms: Powder, oil

Recommended Daily Allowance

  • Infants: (0 to 12 Months) N/A
  • Children: (1 to 13 years) N/A
  • Adolescents: (14 to 18 Years) N/A
  • Adults: (19 and Older) N/A
  • Lactating Women: N/A
  • Pregnant Women: N/A

Notes: No RDA info available.

Additional Information


Cinnamon is grown in various parts of the world, most commonly Sri Lanka, India, Egypt, Brail, Vietnam, Java, and Bangladesh. It is the first spice mentioned in the Old Testament, where Moses was commanded to use it as an ingredient in anointing oil. Cinnamon was originally very rare, used mostly as a gift for royalty. Legend has it that Emperor Nero burned a year's supply of cinnamon at his wife's funeral in 65 AD.

Bodily Functions Cinnamon Assists

Cinnamon has a multitude of health benefits, including positive reinforcement of the urinary tract, improved memory, improved digestion, and clearer skin.

Foods High in Cinnamon

Cinnamon is frequently used as a flavoring additive in cakes, pastries and other desserts. It is also sometimes used in curry sauces. For an interesting taste treat, try sprinkling some cinnamon over french fries.

Ailment That Cinnamon Eliminates:
  • Naturally reduces cold symptoms
  • Freshens bad breath
  • Alleviates headache due to cold air exposure when applied as a paste to the temples
  • Gets rid of blackheads and zits when applied directly as a paste
  • Relieves indigestion and flatulence
  • Prevents nausea and vomiting
Side Effects/Pre-Cautions:
  • Individuals taking blood-thinning or blood glucose-lowering medications should consult their doctor before ingesting cinnamon.
  • Some cinnamon products contain high levels of coumarin which could cause liver damage