Category Archives: Studies

Smartphone Voices Don’t Cut It in a Health Crisis

According to the Pew Research Center, 64 percent of American adults owned a smartphone in 2015, and that number is likely to continue growing. These people often use smartphones for important, life-affecting tasks such as banking, looking up real estate listings, finding job information, taking classes, or submitting a job application. In fact, Pew Research also reports that 62 percent of smartphone owners used their phone to find information about a health condition at least once in 2015. If that health condition was an urgent crisis, however, a smartphone user may choose an option that’s quicker and easier than a browser search: vocally asking their phone a question. Smartphone voices such as Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana are made to provide quick answers, but when it comes to medical advice, they may not always be trustworthy.

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Posted in Health, Health Facts, Medical, News, Studies | 9,957 Comments

Losing Just 5 Percent of Body Weight Can Have Huge Benefits

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over one-third of the adult population in the U.S. is obese. This comes out to around 78.6 million people, all of which are at much higher risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer, and stroke. Because of these high risk factors, it’s believed that obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the U.S. This also means that there are millions of people who should be taking active steps to reduce their body weight if they aren’t doing so already. Unfortunately, losing large amounts of weight can be an incredibly daunting task – so daunting, in fact, that it can prevent people from even making an attempt. However, a new study published this week in the medical journal Cell Metabolism could give many the hope they need to at least get started on the path to weight loss.

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Posted in Health, Health Facts, Medical, News, Studies, Weight Loss | 10,024 Comments

Acts of Kindness May Reduce Stress Levels

With the Christmas season upon us, chances are good that your stress level has gone up significantly. Purchasing gifts, decorating your home, preparing family events, sending cards and planning for travel only adds to the chaos of year-end reports, increased workloads, social events and other typical December stressors. Even worse, the holidays are a time when many people start to suffer from anxiety and depression. It’s estimated that around 10 percent of people suffer from seasonal affective disorder, and many more suffer from a milder but still troubling condition colloquially referred to as the “winter blues.” So what could be done to reduce stress during the holiday season? Well, according to an encouraging new study, it may truly be better for your health to give than to receive.

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Posted in Health, Health Facts, Mental Health, News, Studies | 216 Comments

Study Says Coffee Extends Lifespan – For Some

There’s no doubt that coffee is one of America’s favorite beverages. According to the National Coffee Association, 59 percent of Americans currently drink a cup of coffee every day. Some sources indicate that American workers who buy coffee regularly throughout the week spend an average of $1,092 on coffee every year. Despite it’s popularity, however, the effects of coffee on health are somewhat nebulous. Many studies have shown that coffee can provide all sorts of health advantages, such as skin cancer prevention and mental benefits. On the other hand, coffee is thought to present problems for those with cholesterol issues or sleep problems – especially if it’s loaded with sugar. The latest study is another win for coffee lovers, but despite the study’s massive coverage in the media, the results actually aren’t universally positive.

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Posted in Diet, Food, Health, Health Facts, Medical, News, Nutrition, Studies | 1,308 Comments

Want to Lose Weight? Mindfulness Could Be the Key

There are many factors that come into play when considering why you or someone you know may be overweight. Unhealthy lifestyle choices like smoking or not getting enough sleep can contribute to a high body weight, while medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure can enable obesity as well. Of course, the most well-known factors for maintaining a healthy body weight involve getting enough exercise and regularly consuming a healthy diet. Apart from all of these, however, there’s one factor that is often overlooked when it comes to weight loss: the brain. Although it’s not widely understood, mental health issues such as depression have been linked to weight gain. This causes some to ask: could it be possible that the opposite is true as well? In other words, is a positive, in-the-moment mental outlook linked to lower body weight? A new study says it’s possible.

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Posted in Diet, Health, Mental Health, News, Studies, Weight Loss | 347 Comments