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Category Archives: Skin and Beauty
Beauty Sleep Not Just Fantasy, Say Researchers
A new study conducted at the University of Michigan is the first to actually use advanced, objective measuring systems to determine that “beauty sleep” is more than just a figure of speech. The study, conducted using an innovative measuring system known as photogrammetry, indicated that getting several continuous months of high-quality sleep in appropriate quantities increases your apparent youthfulness and attractiveness. In order for sleep to qualify as true “beauty rest,” it must be untainted by irregular breathing, snoring and sleep apnea. The study included 20 individuals who were treated for sleep apnea. To arrive at their conclusions, the researchers judged photographs taken using a photogrammetry system before and after sleep apnea treatment. For most study subjects, the judges ranked their post-treatment pictures more highly.
Posted in Health, Health Facts, Mental Health, News, Skin and Beauty, Studies
Red Hair Gene Also Increases Melanoma Risk
Mutations in MC1R, the same gene responsible for red hair, a reduced ability to obtain a tan and fair skin, are also responsible for an increased risk of melanoma, according to a new study conducted at Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Of all skin cancer types, melanoma is the deadliest. Specifically, the genetic mutations make skin cells more susceptible to cancer development when they’re exposed to UV, or ultraviolet, radiation, the type of radiation produced by both the sun and tanning beds. However, the researchers aren’t ruling out the notion that other factors may increase melanoma risk for those with red hair as well. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, around 120,000 melanoma cases are diagnosed each year in the U.S.
Posted in Health, Health Facts, Medical, News, Skin and Beauty, Studies
Want to Keep Your Memory? Keep Your Teeth, Study Says
Good dental health can have benefits that reach well beyond just a person’s teeth. For example, it’s been suggested that good brushing and flossing habits could be reducing your risk of having a stroke. Some research also indicates that gum disease and cavities could serve as predictors of heart disease. According to a new study by European researchers, keeping your teeth may be also be important for keeping a strong and accurate memory. Though the study was relatively small in size at 273 participants, it found that memory score tests are linked with the number of remaining teeth in older adults. All of the participants were at least 55 years of age at the time of the study, which accounted for age in order to eliminate the notion that tooth loss and memory loss are only natural results of aging that occur together synchronously.
Posted in Health, Health Facts, Medical, Mental Health, News, Nutrition, Skin and Beauty, Studies
Daily Sunscreen Delays Aging of Skin
With hot summer days fast approaching, many Americans are heading to supermarkets and drug stores to pick up an annual staple – sunscreen. But according to a new study by Australian researchers, sunscreen shouldn’t just be used seasonally, at least not if you want to maximize the health and appearance of your skin. The study finds that daily application of sunscreen results in fewer wrinkles and better skin overall. Specifically, subjects under the age of 55 who applied sunscreen every day had 24% less aging to their skin than individuals who only put on sunscreen once in a while. The study included both men and women. The findings represent further evidence that the “tan is beautiful” doctrine could cause long-term damage. In order to have young-looking beautiful skin, it might be necessary to protect yourself from the sun at all times.
Posted in Health, Health Facts, Medical, News, Skin and Beauty, Studies
Vitamin D Fights Breast Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s
Over the past several days, we’ve talked about how people who are obese are usually vitamin D deficient as well, and how getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D in your daily diet is difficult because many supplements are inaccurately labeled in terms of dosages. We also talked about how 75% of the U.S. population has a vitamin D deficiency, an alarming statistic to say the least. But why are vitamin D supplements necessary for so many people in the first place? The answer is that although vitamin D is available in a limited number of foods such as fatty fish, oatmeal and fortified milk, the primary source of this vitamin is the sun. At this time of year, many Americans receive no vitamin D from the sun, even when they’re outdoors. This is due to the sun’s low angle in the sky.
Posted in Diet, Food, Health, Health Facts, Medical, Mental Health, News, Nutrition, Skin and Beauty, Studies, Women
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