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Category Archives: Skin and Beauty
Dangers of Tanning Warrant Surgeon General Call to Action
In 2011, we reported that many young women were using indoor tanning beds despite knowing the serious cancer risks. Now, the problem has gotten so bad that its warranted a call to action from the U.S. acting Surgeon General, Boris D. Lushniak. A call to action is a detailed, science-backed document intended to solve a public health problem by stimulating action throughout the country. The call to action addresses both indoor and outdoor tanning. According to Lushniak, skin cancer is a “major health problem” whose chief cause involves overexposure to ultraviolet light, regardless of where it comes from. The announcement comes only two months after the FDA revealed it would be putting black box warnings on tanning beds and sunlamps. In short, all people are encouraged to stop tanning, use sunscreen and stay out of the sun whenever possible to prevent cancer.
Posted in Health, Medical, News, Parenting, Skin and Beauty
Want to Drop Your Blood Pressure? Get Some Sun
Finding the time to break away from the daily grind, a vacation at the beach is one of the best imaginable ways to lower your blood pressure. However, is it the relaxation alone that’s responsible? According to the results of a new study conducted in the United Kingdom, regularly exposing the skin to the sun’s rays may also play an important role in reducing hypertension. The study, which was conducted in a laboratory environment, found that people experienced a reduction in blood pressure and dilation of their blood vessels after being subjected to 30 minutes of UVA radiation designed to mimic a Southern European summer sun. Although getting too much sun without proper protection can lead to a sunburn and even skin cancer in some cases, high blood pressure can result in fatal consequences including stroke and heart attack.
Posted in Health, Health Facts, Medical, News, Skin and Beauty, Studies
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Smoking Rates Decline, But Not Enough
Worldwide, a smaller percentage of people are smoking today than they were about 30 years ago, according to a new study from the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Unfortunately, the growing population means that a larger number of people are smoking now than they were at that point, too. As of 2012, roughly 31% of men across the world smoked, a figure that’s still alarmingly high, though not as dire as the 41% figure observed in 1980. Smoking rates are far lower among women, and managed to drop down to 6.2% from 10% over the same time period. However, due to increases in worldwide population, about 967 million people smoke today – a figure that stood at 721 million 34 years ago. In 2012 alone, people smoked over 6 trillion cigarettes.
Posted in Health, Health Facts, Medical, News, Skin and Beauty, Studies
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Healthy, Yet Obese – Is it Possible?
Controversy has surrounded the debate over whether people can be considered “healthy” even if they’re obese. While some argue that it’s perfectly possible to be in good health while carrying many extra pounds of weight, others say that obesity itself is a major health danger, even if an individual is free of the types of conditions that typically accompany it. Typical obesity-related conditions include high blood cholesterol, high blood sugar and high blood pressure. A new study conducted at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital found that people who are obese, in comparison to those who are of a normal weight, are about 24% more likely to die from any cause over a 10-year period, or to have a heart problem during this same timeframe. The two groups compared above had no metabolic problems at all – only their weight differed.
Posted in Body Building, Diet, Exercise, Food, Health, Health Facts, Medical, News, Nutrition, Skin and Beauty, Studies, Weight Loss, Weight Training, Women
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Grow New Hair Follicles? Study Offers Hope for Hair Loss
According to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, over 88,000 people in the U.S. received hair replacement surgery in 2012. Most of the world, especially Asia, saw the number hair replacement surgeries skyrocket from 2004 to 2012. A recent study, however, conducted at Columbia University Medical Center may offer new hope to those who have lost or are losing their hair. According to the study, which was conducted on mice, a person’s cells may be utilized in order to grow new hair follicles, which reside under the skin and sprout hair. Although most of the new hair follicles failed to generate hair that extended past the skin, the researchers believe that additional work could improve the technique and make it a viable option for regrowing hair.
Posted in Health, Health Facts, News, Skin and Beauty, Studies
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