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Category Archives: Men
Genetic Link Between Height And Heart Disease Found
Heart disease can by caused by a number of fairly controllable factors. Eating a diet high in fat and cholesterol, smoking, and having high blood sugar are big risk factors that a person can avoid to an extent. High blood pressure due to poor diet or high levels of stress is also a somewhat controllable cause of heart disease in both men and women. Unfortunately, there are also several factors that a person cannot control whatsoever. For example, family history can play a large role in heart disease risk. When a link between height and heart disease was suggested all the way back in 1951 by a now-famous cardiologist named Paul Dudley White, the idea wasn’t taken very seriously for decades. Now, however, it turns out that a gene associated with short stature may also be related to a higher heart disease risk.
Posted in Health, Health Facts, Medical, Men, News, Studies
Frequent Saunas Can Reduce the Risk of Heart Problems in Men
To many Americans, a sauna is a hot room at a hotel, gym or spa that provides some moments of relaxation after a workout or swimming session. If these types of saunas are modeled after traditional saunas, they typically involve a stove that heats rocks to high temperatures and provides long-lasting heat. However, sauna patrons in hotels and spas are often not permitted to pour water onto the rocks to increase the temperature. Despite the considerable differences, many Americans might also confuse saunas with steam rooms. In Finland, however, saunas are a much more integral part of the culture. Finnish people may take multiple saunas per week at temperatures much hotter than a typical spa or hotel would allow. In fact, most people have saunas right in their homes. According to a new study, all these saunas may be helping Finns live longer.
Posted in Health, Health Facts, Medical, Men, News, Studies
Weight Training Just As Important As Aerobics For Cutting Belly Fat
Belly fat is probably the number one physical health issue that gets people to start exercising. Getting rid of belly fat is usually attempted for cosmetic reasons, but it can also greatly reduce the risk of serious conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, asthma, hypertension and stroke. Unfortunately, over half the U.S. population now has abdominal obesity, meaning that one out of every two people need to start watching their waistline if they’re going to avoid the negative health risks. Typically, aerobic exercise is considered the most essential element of cutting belly fat, along with a diet plan and strategies for coping with stress. “Spot reducing” fat doesn’t really work, meaning that you can’t simply do crunches and expect to lose abdominal weight. Now, however, a new study shows that weight training could be just as effective – if not more – than aerobic exercise, specifically for men.
Posted in Body Building, Exercise, Health, Men, News, Studies, Weight Loss, Weight Training
Study Says Dads Need To Speak Up to Improve Infant Vocabulary
Several studies have shown how a parent influences infant vocabulary. For example, this landmark 1995 study showed that 86 to 98 percent of the words children use by the age of three came from their parent’s vocabulary. Also, infant vocabulary was found to be very similar to caregiver vocabulary in terms of average number of words used, speech patterns and duration of conversation. This may seem like common sense, but it has serious implications when considering what the study also found: the vocabulary knowledge at age three was a predicting factor in language performance at ages nine and ten. In other words, a child’s vocabulary at age three is a good indicator of their language development, vocabulary and reading comprehension many years in the future. Now, a new study is claiming that dads may need to pick up some slack in this department.
Posted in Health, Health Facts, Men, News, Parenting, Studies
Study Finds Link Between Baldness and Prostate Cancer
Are you a man over the age of 45? Are you going bald? If so, a prostate exam should be one of your top health priorities according to a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. The study suggests a significant link between male pattern baldness and prostate cancer, which is the most common form of cancer that American men are diagnosed with apart from skin cancer. In fact, prostate cancer is so prevalent that one in seven men will get it. Out of those, one in 36 will die because of it. As far as cancer deaths go, prostate cancer is second only to lung cancer regarding the amount of men it claims. At the same time, however, prostate cancer does have a generally high survival rate. If male pattern baldness and prostate cancer truly go hand in hand, it might at the very least give some men a warning sign that can lead to early treatment.
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