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Category Archives: Body Building
Healthy, Yet Obese – Is it Possible?
Controversy has surrounded the debate over whether people can be considered “healthy” even if they’re obese. While some argue that it’s perfectly possible to be in good health while carrying many extra pounds of weight, others say that obesity itself is a major health danger, even if an individual is free of the types of conditions that typically accompany it. Typical obesity-related conditions include high blood cholesterol, high blood sugar and high blood pressure. A new study conducted at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital found that people who are obese, in comparison to those who are of a normal weight, are about 24% more likely to die from any cause over a 10-year period, or to have a heart problem during this same timeframe. The two groups compared above had no metabolic problems at all – only their weight differed.
Posted in Body Building, Diet, Exercise, Food, Health, Health Facts, Medical, News, Nutrition, Skin and Beauty, Studies, Weight Loss, Weight Training, Women
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Taking a Supplement with DMAA? Stop Now, Says FDA
If you take a supplement containing DMAA (dimethylamylamine) you should stop doing so immediately, according to a new report from the Food and Drug Administration labeling the drug “dangerous” and “illegal.” DMAA is found in certain supplements intended to assist with weight loss and body building. The side effects can include shortness of breath, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and even heart attack, according to the FDA. The announcement marks the first time the FDA has officially warned consumers about the potential dangers of DMAA. However, the organization has worked previously to get supplements including the ingredient stripped from the market. In 2012, the United States military removed DMAA-containing supplements from stores on military bases after suspecting that such supplements were related to two soldier deaths.
Posted in Body Building, Exercise, Health, Health Facts, Medical, News, Studies, Weight Loss, Weight Training
Exercise Results in Better Sleep
A new poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation finds that those who exercise get better sleep than those who never exercise. The effects were detected even for individuals who engage in a very limited amount of exercise. Overall, about 56% to 67% of people who said they engaged in any level of exercise reported that exercise improves sleep on virtually every weeknight. In comparison, only 39% of those who never exercised reported the same. People who reported exercising also reported fewer sleep problems than couch potatoes. An alarming 24% of those who never exercise said they have a hard time falling asleep nearly every night of the week. The same was true of only 8% of those who reported frequent, vigorous exercise. So how much exercise is needed to improve your sleep?
Posted in Body Building, Exercise, Health, Health Facts, Mental Health, News, Studies, Weight Loss, Weight Training
Exercise After Eating Reduces Heart Attack Risk
A new study – albeit a small one – indicates that exercising shortly after eating a meal high in fat could reduce the negative impact that meal has on your cardiovascular system. According to the study, engaging in walking and light strength training approximately one hour after a meal mitigates the elevation of fat cells known as triglycerides in the blood. The researchers found that post-meal exercise does a better job of this than before-meal exercise. People with high triglyceride levels also have a higher heart attack risk. Despite the limits of the study, it may be worth giving the strategy a try. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 600,000 Americans die of a heart attack each year. That amounts to around 25 percent of the annual deaths in the country.
Posted in Body Building, Diet, Exercise, Food, Health, Health Facts, Medical, News, Nutrition, Studies, Weight Loss, Weight Training
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Best New Year’s Resolutions and How to Realize Them
New Year’s resolutions have almost become a joke in modern society – everybody makes one, but very few actually keep them and follow through with their plan. For many people, a New Year’s resolution involves improving health, kicking old habits like smoking, losing weight, improving physical appearance or something similar. All good goals, no doubt, but why do they always seem to fail? In some cases, the problem is that the goal was poorly defined, had no deadline, was unrealistic, or just didn’t appropriately match the actual needs of the individual. However, even with proper goal-setting techniques, the best New Year’s resolutions fail due to a lack of the knowledge and resources necessary for completing the goal. Here are five tips that should help you make your resolution a reality.
Posted in Body Building, Diet, Exercise, Food, Health, Health Facts, Mental Health, Nutrition, Skin and Beauty, Studies, Weight Loss, Weight Training
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