Piriformis Syndrome
Additional Information
Home Treatments:
In order to properly treat piriformis treatment, one should compress the affected buttocks and thigh area with elastic bandage. The leg should be elevated above heart level and be rested. Ice packs should be administered 20 minutes at a time, 4-8 times per day for the first three days. A non steroidal anti inflammatory drug or a common painkiller may be used to help treat the inflammation and pain. Physical activity should be gradually resumed.
Professional Medical Treatments:
Piriformis syndrome that does not positively react to home treatment may need professional treatment. This can include a lidocaine injection to relax the muscles around the sciatic nerve or a cortisone injection to reduce the inflammation of the piriformis muscle. Surgery is a last resort consideration.
Physical Therapy and Exercises:
In order to fully recover from piriformis syndrome, stretching and exercise of the area is necessary. This includes the following: lower trunk rotation, figure four stretch, knee to opposite shoulder stretch, pigeon pose stretch and the standing quad stretch. The ability to gradually perform these stretches and exercises without pain or limitation in mobility are good signs of complete recovery from this injury.
Exercise Techniques to Prevent Injury:
Properly warming up and cooling down before and after physical activity is a good way to prevent piriformis syndrome. This includes thigh and hip related stretches such as the forward lung, the wall stretch, the sitting crossed leg stretch and the figure four. Keeping appropriate strength of the hip area by engaging in impact activities such as jogging and strength training exercises such as the leg press and the squat is also helpful.