Home Injuries Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Description Of The Injury: The precise cause of patellofemoral pain syndrome is not known, however it likely involves the way the patella tracks along the groove of the femur. While most know that the patella regularly moves up and down, many forget that the patella also moves lateral, tilts and rotates. This creates a variety of dynamic motions that can result in incorrect tracking and consequent pain underneath the knee cap.

Injury Symptoms: The most common sign of patellofemoral pain syndrome is a dull ache under the kneecap when engaging in physical activities that require flexion and extension such as walking down and up stairs, squatting, and jumping.

Additional Information

Home Treatments:

To begin treatment of this injury, knee activity should be reduced. The knee should be rested in a straight legged position and ice should be applied 20 minutes at a time in the inflamed area. Further treatment of patellofemoral syndrome requires gradual advancement in exercises and stretches.

Professional Medical Treatments:

A doctor may administer a cortisone injection to reduce present inflammation. Modified footwear, arch support or a knee brace may be advised. Surgery for patellofermoral pain syndrome is a last resort option. Arthroscopic surgery may be used or a lateral release procedure will be used of the problem is thought to be from excessive lateral tracking.

Physical Therapy and Exercises:

Physical recovery from this injury will focus on stretches and exercises of the quadriceps. This will involve standing and side lying quadriceps stretches, the forward and reverse lunge. Later on , advanced exercises such as the lateral step up and single leg squat will help the knee get used to full weight bearing stress.

Exercise Techniques to Prevent Injury:

Prevention of patellofemoral pain syndrome involves keeping the quads and hamstrings flexible and strong. This can involve a workout regiment that includes squats, step ups, lunges, seated leg press, leg curl and deadlift.