Osgood Schlatter Disease
Additional Information
Home Treatments:
Osgood-Schlatter disease usually subsides with conservative treatment. This involves refraining from strenuous physical activity that places excess body weight on the affected knee and administering ice packs a couple of times a day, 20 minutes at a time. Usually a non steroidal anti inflammatory drug is recommended to help with the inflammation and pain.
Professional Medical Treatments:
Osgood-Schlatter disease can usually be treated by conservative methods. Professional advise should be used in terms of what exercises to perform, how long to rest, and a knee brace may be advised for use.
Physical Therapy and Exercises:
Stretches and exercises will help in the advanced recovery of OSD, after the affected knee has been rested. These stretches and exercises should be done twice a day and should gradually progress to more advanced activities such as jump roping. The stretches and exercises may include the straight leg raise, short arc quad exercise, wall slides, standing quad stretch, and hamstring hurdler's stretch.
Exercise Techniques to Prevent Injury:
Because OSD occurs during the growth spurt, it may not be prevented with the use of exercise techniques. If pain is felt, the person should rest instead of fighting through the pain which will cause further inflammation.