Home Injuries Neck Strain

Neck Strain

Neck Strain

Description Of The Injury: Neck strains often take the form of overly stretched and torn ligaments, muscles, and sometimes nerves. Neck strains, considered not to be extremely serious injuries, can be caused by a variety of activities from sports to physical labor to automobile accidents.

Injury Symptoms: The main symptom of neck strain injuries is pain, typically beginning sometime after the initial injury. Pain can range from a mild inconvenience to where it is strong enough to disrupt the ability to perform normal tasks. Stiffness in the neck and back is another common symptom.

Additional Information

Home Treatments:

Home treatments are recommended for this injury in most cases, as it is often not serious. Anti-inflammatory over-the-counter medicine like ibuprofen can reduce the pain from neck strains, as can applied heat, which relaxes tight muscles. Additional neck support can be helpful as well, such as a small pillow to help align the neck properly.

Professional Medical Treatments:

Professional options for treatment include a more regimented version of home remedies, including the addition of a supportive neck brace to keep the patient from causing further strain to the neck.

Physical Therapy and Exercises:

While most neck strains will be cured from at-home treatments and the passage of time, physical therapy will occasionally be helpful for recovery. One option for neck strain treatment includes at-home cervical traction, under a physical therapist's supervision.

Exercise Techniques to Prevent Injury:

Prior to engaging in potentially neck-straining activities, it is best to spend a few moments carefully stretching and rolling your neck to ensure that you are limber.