Additional Information
Home Treatments:
In most cases, treatment is unnecessary in cases of concussion as the symptoms normally go away in less than a few weeks, often in a few days. If a headache is present, an over the counter drug such as aspirin, Tylenol or Ibuprofen can be administered. The most important at home treatment is adequate sleep during night and plenty of rest during the day time.
Professional Medical Treatments:
In serious cases of concussion, medical attention may be needed to monitor the condition should it be a more serious brain injury but there are no medical procedures used to treat concussion. If giving treatment at home, medical attention should be sought if the concussion is accompanied by a severe headache, weakness in the arms or legs, convulsions, bleeding from the ears or deafness or if such symptoms emerge later in treatment.
Physical Therapy and Exercises:
Physical therapy is not necessary when treating concussion although it may be needed if a more serious brain injury has been suffered. Any weakness in extremities that could be treated by gentle physical therapy is indicative of a much more serious condition and medical attention should be given to the patient immediately.
Exercise Techniques to Prevent Injury:
The most important preventative technique for concussions is the use of a helmet to reduce the force of head impact when falling or striking objects. Older individuals that suffer concussions because of falls may begin lower body exercises to strengthen the muscles in the legs and hips to prevent such falls from occurring in the future. Hard soled shoes that do not affect balance can also be used to prevent falls or trips.