Cervical Fracture
Additional Information
Home Treatments:
Cervical fractures are not treated at-home, but initial care begins with complete immobilization of the head and neck. Non steroidal anti inflammatory medication may be used to reduce acute pain. Professional aid should be found immediately.
Professional Medical Treatments:
Professional treatment is dependent on the severity of the injury. If the fracture is only a minor compression, the treatment will involve medication and the use of a cervical collar for one or two months. More considerable cervical fractures may require surgical repair or spinal fusion, where a vertebra is fused together permanently with another.
Physical Therapy and Exercises:
Rehabilitation from a cervical fracture may involve recovering the range of motion of the neck and shoulder. This may include moving the neck through its range of motion from flexion, extension, to rotation. Back straightening exercises and flexion exercises may be needed to recover complete back mobility.
Exercise Techniques to Prevent Injury:
Cervical fractures are not prevented through exercise techniques. Prevention usually involves precautions such as wearing a helmet during contact sports, wearing a seat beat when driving a car and reducing situations where an impact to the cervical area may occur.