Defining Your Personal Weight Loss Goals

bridge to goal

Just as with anything you choose to accomplish in life, the first step towards weight loss begins with defining the specifics associated with your overall goal. Below is a useful guideline for setting your personal weight loss goal. The intent of the guide is to increase your probability of obtaining your weight loss goals within the timeframe that you have defined.

Prior to defining your personal weight loss goal, it is highly recommended that you take a few moments to review each of the articles found under the Your Optimum Weight portion of the Weight Loss section of our website. The intent of the articles under the Your Optimum Weight section is to provide you with the information necessary to determine your appropriate body weight level.

There are several methods and techniques described within each of the articles that will not only assist you in setting a personal weight loss goal that is realistic and achievable, but will also support a healthy body weight and lifestyle.

In addition, it is important to consider adding some form of regular physical activity to your daily lifestyle. By doing so, you will combine the two primary factors associated with safe and effective weight loss: a decrease in caloric intake and an increase in caloric expenditure. Combining these two primary factors will yield the greatest probability of successfully obtaining your personal weight loss goals and improving your health and fitness at the same time.

Tips for Designing a Successful Set of Weight Loss Goals

  1. Your personal weight loss goal should reflect your specific requirements and not the requirements of someone or something else, such as a picture of a thin woman in a magazine.

  2. State your weight loss goal positively. Stating a goal positively creates a view or a mental picture of how your body weight and measurements will be once you have achieved your personal weight loss goal. It's important to be clear about the rewards and outcomes that you will achieve.

  3. Make sure that your weight loss goal is specific and clear. It cannot be open to varying interpretations.

  4. Make sure that your weight loss goal is measurable. Are you measuring weight loss in pounds, inches, body fat percentage, or some combination of the above? Setting benchmarks along the way can assist in measuring progress. When the completion date arrives there should be no surprises.

  5. Your weight loss goal should be realistic and highly obtainable. Sometimes goals turn out to be unrealistic, at least within the desired time frame. The result can be frustration and sometimes even the abandonment of the goal altogether. At the same time, achieving your weight loss goal should require effort, focus and determination. If achieving your goal is too easy, the added benefit of personal growth and development will be lost.

  6. Define a specific timeline in which you will achieve your weight loss goal. Without a target date, a goal loses its urgency and importance. Long-term goals are not necessarily more important than short-term goals, and setting and achieving target dates is critical.

  7. State your personal weight loss goal in writing. Taking the time to write down your personal weight loss goals in a notebook has a number of advantages. lt creates a high level of clarity, and allows you to monitor your weight loss progress to determine whether you are on schedule to achieve your goal. This will allow you to make adjustments to your weight loss program as necessary.

  8. List all of the potential obstacles you can possibly think of - large and small - standing between you and your weight loss goal. Identify at least one solution for every obstacle.

  9. Write down the specifics of how you are going to achieve your weight loss goal. For example, you may start a low-fat diet and begin exercising four times a week.

  10. Regularly evaluate your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

key to success

Goals are a great way to keep you motivated and on track. Without goals, it's too easy to lose focus, direction and the ultimate obtainment of your goal. Since everyone is different, each individual will have a different set of weight loss goals. Gambling is a modern way to spend free time with joy. Be sure, that you will be completely entertained while playing different slots, especially when their thematic linked with famous films or series. Book of Ra slot machine free play online and moreover, nowadays you have an opportunity to gamble with, or even against, your friends. Due to this fact, your gaming session will be even more fascinating and thrilling.

You should always take the time to define both short-term and long-term goals. By defining only long-term goals, you may fall into the trap of losing focus, direction and the belief that your weight loss goal is even obtainable. 

By taking the time to define smaller interim short-term goals, you will be better able to track your progress relative to your timeline for your long-term goals. As you begin to achieve your short-term goals, you may find that you are ahead of schedule and begin to shorten the timeline for your long-term goals.

Once you have achieved your long-term weight loss goal, it's time to define and set up your next long-term fitness goal. By doing so, you'll give yourself a healthy and enjoyable life for many years to come.