Home Exercises V Bar Pulldowns

V Bar Pulldowns

Exercise Tips

  • Keep back in an upright position
  • Do not jerk the bar down
  • Flex your biceps on the pulldown

V Bar Pulldowns

This exercise targets your back and provides a low cardio benefit. It also works your biceps.

Muscle Group

Latissimus Dorsi (Lats), Biceps


1 Day a Week to
3 Days a Week


Lat Pulldown Machine, V-Bar Attachment

Cardiovascular Benefit


Muscle Group: Latissimus Dorsi (Lats), Biceps

Equipment: Lat Pulldown Machine, V-Bar Attachment

Minimum Frequency: 1 Day a Week

Maximum Frequency: 3 Days a Week

Cardiovascular Benefit: Low

Exercise Category: Back

Starting Position: Attach a v-bar to a lat pulldown machine and sit at the machine with your arms extended straight up, holding onto the bar with an overhand grip.

  1. 1 Exhaling, slowly pull your hands down to your chest, keeping your arms close to your sides.
  2. 2 Inhale and slowly raise your hands back up to starting position.
  3. 3 Repeat until you have finished all repetitions.