Home Exercises Raised Knee Barbell Crunches

Raised Knee Barbell Crunches

Exercise Tips

  • An exercise mat can be used for comfort
  • Make sure you push the barbell as you crunch, not before or after

Raised Knee Barbell Crunches

This exercise targets your abdominals and provides a low to moderate cardio benefit. It also works your triceps.

Muscle Group

Middle & Upper Abdominals, Triceps


2 Days a Week to
3 Days a Week



Cardiovascular Benefit

Low to Moderate

Muscle Group: Middle & Upper Abdominals, Triceps

Equipment: Barbell

Minimum Frequency: 2 Days a Week

Maximum Frequency: 3 Days a Week

Cardiovascular Benefit: Low to Moderate

Exercise Category: Middle & Upper Adbominals

Starting Position: Lie on the floor, face up with your feet off the floor, knees bent into a 90 degree angle. Hold a barbell with an overhand grip in both hands above your chest, keeping your hands shoulder width apart, elbowson the ground.

  1. 1 Exhaling, crunch your shoulders off the floor while extending your arms to push the barbell up and out past your knees. At the peak of the motion, your head should be at about a 45 degree angle with the floor. Keep your legs in a 90 degree angle.
  2. 2 Inhale and resume the starting position.
  3. 3 Repeat this exercise until you have completed all repetitions for the set.