Home Exercises Leg Lifts

Leg Lifts

Exercise Tips

  • Control the motion- do not swing your legs

Leg Lifts

This exercise targets your hamstrings and requires no equipment to perform. It also works your gluteals.

Muscle Group

Hamstrings & Gluteals (Glutes)


1 Day a Week to
5 Days a Week



Cardiovascular Benefit


Muscle Group: Hamstrings & Gluteals (Glutes)

Equipment: None

Minimum Frequency: 1 Day a Week

Maximum Frequency: 5 Days a Week

Cardiovascular Benefit: Low

Exercise Category: Hamstrings

Starting Position: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, supporting yourself on a wall.

  1. 1 Curl one leg back and touch your heel to your butt.
  2. 2 Hold for a one count, squeezing your hamstrings and glutes.
  3. 3 Slowly lower your leg back to starting position.
  4. 4 Repeat this exercise until you have completed all repetitions for the set, then switch legs and repeat.