Home Exercises 3 Point Dynamic Bridge

3 Point Dynamic Bridge

Exercise Tips

  • An exercise mat can be used for comfort
  • Keep back flat
  • Concentrate on keeping your balance

3 Point Dynamic Bridge

This exercise targets your entire core abdominals area and requires no equipment to perform.

Muscle Group

Abdominals, Obliques


1 Day a Week to
5 Days a Week



Cardiovascular Benefit

Low to Moderate

Muscle Group: Abdominals, Obliques

Equipment: None

Minimum Frequency: 1 Day a Week

Maximum Frequency: 5 Days a Week

Cardiovascular Benefit: Low to Moderate

Exercise Category: Abdominals

Starting Position: Begin facing downward in a push up position. Place both palms flat on the floor approximately shoulder width apart. Both arms should be fully extended. Both legs should be fully extended with only your toes touching the floor. Your feet should be approximately 24” to 36” apart. Your body, from head to toe, should be straight.

  1. 1Exhale and raise your right arm off of the floor until it is parallel with the floor. Your arm should remain fully extended as you lift it from the floor. Using your head as a reference for 12 o'clock, raise your arm at approximately the 2 o'clock position. Pause, inhale, and return your arm to the floor.
  2. 2Exhale and raise your right leg off of the floor until it is parallel with the floor. Your right leg should remain fully extended as you lift it from the floor. Using your head as a reference for 12 o'clock, raise your right leg at approximately the 5 o'clock position. Pause, inhale, and return your right leg to the floor.
  3. 3 Perform this exercise lifting each arm and leg in any sequence that you feel comfortable with. Continue until you have completed all repetitions for the set.